5 Secrets of Increasing Blog Traffic From Semalt

Creating articles that go viral is the top priority for all who have launched a blog. In fact, it requires thought-out consistent actions, which are always interrelated. From creating qualitative content to developing the right social media strategy, every step is indispensable. Ivan Konovalov, Customer Success Manager of Semalt Digital Services shares useful tips on how to increase blog traffic.
1. Create Viral Content
Write interesting, exciting articles that will attract readers' attention. The title of your article is the most important thing when writing viral content. Come up with attractive titles that will capture the attention of visitors on the internet. If your title is inriguing, then you will most likely get maximum hits on your post. Besides creating good titles, write long informative articles. Get into the details of your topic and explain your points in an interesting manner. An elaborated post will entice your blog visitors to read the whole article. Insert good looking images in your post so as to help readers understand your article more clearly. Consequently, your readers will visit your blog again to read your next article.

2. Share Your Article More Than Once
If you want to boost traffic to your blog, you need to target more visitors. Some readers access the internet during the day and others during the night. Increase traffic to your blog by sharing your article several times during a day or a month. The main social media platforms that can help you to accomplish this are the Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. Join groups and communities that are related to your industry and share your feed.
3. Install the Right Theme
There are thousands of themes in the market. However, many of them will not be compatible with your blog. This means you have to select wisely and install the right one. A good theme should be fully responsive, which will ensure that your blog is accessible on different devices including desktops and mobile displays. You should also select a fast loading theme. When your theme is loading fast, it makes visitors stick around your blog and read more posts. In addition, choose a theme that has beautiful and attractive design.

4. Add Share Button
The share button helps you to leverage the power of social media platforms in reaching a wider audience. Readers are always willing to share an interesting post. Therefore, add the share button to the post to let your content go viral. This means your readers will be able to share your blog posts with their friends and fans. As the result of this sharing, your blog will get more traffic.
5. Comment in Other Blogs
Comments have become a powerful tool, which helps you in getting backlinks and traffic. Look out for popular blogs and comment on their topics and forums. Meaningful comments will attract the attention, and most likely, you will get responses that give you backlinks. Comments will establish you as an expert and help you to attract lots of traffic to your blog.
Semalt expert Ivan Konovalov proves that consistent implementation of mentioned above strategies leads to increasing your blog traffic. Such a practice was successfully adopted by our clients and confirmed its efficiency. From now on, you can use these tips as well as professional services of Semalt to take your blog to the next level.